weka.gui.experiment.GeneratorPropertyIteratorPanel.actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) What is the "editor" returned by "m_ArrayEditor.getCustomEditor"? An AWT component which allows to edit the array A SWING component which allows to edit the array A settings file editor related to the array A persistence file editor related to the array What does the "validate" method do? Re-layouts all the contents of the components Checks if the form fields are valid Forces the form values to be valid Removes invalid fields What does the "setUsePropertyIterator" method do? Sets whether the custom property iterator should be used Sets whether the standard property iterator should be used Sets the number of property iterators Sets the use of the experiment as property iterator weka.gui.beans.ModelPerformanceChart.performRequest(java.lang.String) What is the meaning of "visPanel"? It is an abbreviation of "visualize panel" It is an abbreviation of "visible panel" It is an abbreviation of "visitor panel" The prefix is just random What does the "addWindowListener" of JFrame do? Adds a component through which it is possible to handle window events Adds a callback for the Microsoft Windows events Adds a listener catching events related to input fields Adds a window to the listener What does the "removeAllPlots" call do? Removes all the plots from the plot panel inside "m_visPanel" Removes all the plots from "m_visPanel" Removes all the plots stored in the list "m_visPanel" Removes all the plots in the system weka.estimators.CheckEstimator.printAttributeSummary(int,int) What does "attrType" means? Type of the attribute Type of the attrition Type of the attraction Type of the attitude What does "str" contain? First the type of the class, then the type of the attribute First the type of the attribute, then the type of the class First the type of the attrition, then the type of the class First the type of the attraction, then the type of the class What does the "print" method do? Prints the given string to the standard output Prints the given string in the program log Prints the given string to the standard error Prints the given string on a Java Swing interface weka.estimators.EstimatorUtils.getMinMax(weka.core.Instances,int,double[]) What does "numNotMissing" mean? Number of not missing values Number not missing from the values Numeric not missing type Not missing any number What does "enumInst.nextElement()" do? Returns the next element of the enumeration of instances Returns the next not-null element of the enumeration of instances Returns the next non-empty element of the enumeration of instances Returns the next value of an "enum" What does "instance.value(attrIndex)" do? Returns an instance's attribute value in internal format Returns an instance’s attribute value in external format Returns an instance’s value when it is different NaN Returns the instance itself weka.gui.beans.ClassifierPerformanceEvaluatorCustomizer.addButtons() What does "butHolder" mean? Buttons holder Better holder But holder Buffer holder What does "b.append(s)" do? Adds the value of "s" to the string builder "b" Adds the value of "s" to the string builder "b". If "s" is null, it does not add anything Adds the string "s" to the string "b" ("bs") Adds the numeric value of "s" to the string builder "b" What does "setEvaluationMetricsToOutput" expect as input parameter? A string containing a comma-separated list of values A string containing a semicolon-separated list of values A string containing a single value A string of separated numeric values org.springframework.batch.container.jms.BatchMessageListenerContainerIntegrationTests.testFailureAndRecovery() What does "JMS" mean? Java Message Service Java Modelling System Java Mining Subsystem Java Market System What does "processed" contain? A queue of contents of JMS messages A list of contents from JMS messages A list of JMS messages A stack of JMS messages What does retryTemplate.execute do? Executes the callback once if the policy dictates that we can, re-throwing any exception encountered. Executes the callback many times if the policy dictates that we can, re-throwing any exception encountered. Executes the callback once if any exception is thrown Executes the callback many times if the policy dictates that we can, never re-throwing exceptions encountered. org.springframework.batch.core.jsr.configuration.xml.JsrBeanDefinitionDocumentReaderTests.testArtifactUniqueness() What does assertTrue do? If the parameter is false, throws an AssertionError If the parameter is true, throws an AssertionError If the parameter is not null, throws an AssertionError If the parameter is null, throws an AssertionError What does the "timeout" parameter passed to the "runJob" method indicate? The time allowed to elapse before a TimeoutException is thrown The time allowed to elapse before a job starts The time allowed to elapse before the execution stops without errors The number of times that the job must be run What does "runJob" return? The final state of the job The executed job The job with properties Null org.springframework.batch.item.database.ExtendedConnectionDataSourceProxyTests.testOperationWithDirectCloseCall() What does the parameter "classToMock" of the "mock" method indicate? The class that should be replicated The class that should be instanced The class that should be retrieved The class that should be invoked What is a DataSource? A factory for connections to the physical data source A source of data A factory for sources of data A database connection What is an "ExtendedConnectionDataSourceProxy"? A data source implementation that is capable of keeping a single JDBC Connection which is never closed after each use A data source implementation that is capable of keeping multiple JDBC Connections A data source implementation that is capable of keeping a single JDBC Connections which should be closed after the first use An abstract data source org.springframework.batch.item.file.FlatFileItemReaderTests.testCustomRecordSeparatorMultilineBlankLineAfterEnd() What is the meaning of the word "record" in the method? A string containing a single line or multiple lines terminated by a semicolon A string containing a single line A string containing multiple lines terminated by a semicolon A string containing multiple lines What does the method "hasText" do? Returns true if the given string has some text, i.e., at least a non white-space character Returns true if the given string has some text, i.e., at least a character Returns true if the given string has some text, i.e., at least a character or if it is null Returns false if the given string has some text, i.e., at least a character What does "assertEquals" do? If the parameters are different, throws an AssertionError If the parameter are equal, throws an AssertionError If the parameters are null, throws an AssertionError If at least one parameter is null, throws an AssertionError org.springframework.batch.item.xml.StaxEventItemWriterTests.initWriterForSimpleCallbackTests() What does "XML" indicate? A markup language A programming language A query language An abstract class representation What does the method "add" in "XMLEventWriter" do? Adds an element to the output stream Adds an element to the internal XML representation Adds an element to the list of parsable elements Writes an element to the standard output What does "createItemWriter" do? Creates an instance of configured writer Creates an instance of un-configured writer Creates an instance of an empty writer Creates an instance of a closed writer org.apache.phoenix.mapreduce.AbstractBulkLoadTool.parseOptions(java.lang.String[]) What does "parser.parse" return? An object with the command line options and the specified values An object containing only the flags set in the command line A command line through which it is possible to execute commands A command line with input/output capabilities What is the meaning of "arg" in the name "getArgList"? Arguments ArgoUML Argos Argparser What does "printHelpAndExit" do? Prints the help on the standard output and exits with the specified exit code Prints the help on a file and exits with the specified exit code Prints the help on the standard output and exits with exit code 0 Prints the help on a file and exits with exit code 1 org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.MetaDataEndpointImpl.doDropSchema(long,java.lang.String,byte[],java.util.List,java.util.List) What is a RegionScanner? Allows to iterate over rows in a HRegion Allows to iterate over columns in a HRegion Allows to iterate over rows in a HadoopRegion Allows to iterate over columns in a HadoopRegion What does an "EnvironmentEdgeManager" do? Manages a singleton instance of the environment edge Manages the instancs of the environment edge Represents the environment of EdgeManager Manages edges of a graph What does "newTableRowsScan" do? Returns a new scanner from startKey to endKey, if specified. Returns a new global table scanner Returns the table scan results Returns a single scan from startKey to endKey, if specified. org.apache.phoenix.flume.sink.PhoenixSink.process() What does "upsertEvents" means? Update or insert events Insert updated events Update certified events Insert events up to a certain limit What does the call to "addToEventDrainSuccessCount" do? Increments the number of successful events non-empty events Increments the number of successful empty events Adds an event to the event drain stack Adds the parameter to the event drain What does "transaction.commit()" do? Commits the entire transaction atomically Commits a part of the transaction atomically Commits the entire transaction, but not atomically Ends the transaction org.apache.phoenix.expression.ModulusExpression.evaluate(org.apache.phoenix.schema.tuple.Tuple,org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.ImmutableBytesWritable) What does "dividendExpression.getDataType()" do? Returns the data type of the column Returns the data type of the row Returns the data type of the table Always returns Double, in this case What does "ptr" mean in this context? Pointer Point Painter Porter What does "ptr.set" do? Uses passed bytes as backing array for ptr Updates ptr, but it does not change the original values Changes ptr, unless it is an ImmutableBytesWritable Resets the content of ptr org.apache.phoenix.flume.serializer.BaseEventSerializer.configure(org.apache.flume.Context) What does "DDL" mean in this context? Data Definition Language Data Domain Language Data Definition Library Data Domain Library What does "QueryUtil.getUrl" do? Creates the Phoenix JDBC connection URL from the provided cluster connection details Creates the Phoenix JDBC connection URL from the provided URL Creates the Phoenix JDBC connection URL from the provided content string Creates the Phoenix JDBC connection URL from any string What does "Splitter.on(DEFAULT_COLUMNS_DELIMITER).split(headersStr)" do? Splits headersStr using "DEFAULT_COLUMNS_DELIMITER" as delimiter Splits DEFAULT_COLUMNS_DELIMITER using headersStr as delimiter Splits using DEFAULT_COLUMNS_DELIMITER as delimiter and joins in headersStr Splits using headersStr as delimiter and joins in DEFAULT_COLUMNS_DELIMITER org.opencms.main.CmsShell.execute(java.io.Reader) What does "st.wordChars(‘*’, ‘*’)" do? Specifies that only the character ‘*’ is a word constituent Specifies that all the characters are word constituents Specifies that all the characters are word constituents, except for whitespaces Specifies that all the characters are word constituents, except for newlines What does "eolIsSignificant" mean? End of line is significant End of list is significant End of last is significant End of letter is significant What does "printPrompt" do? Prints the shell prompt Prints the program prompt Prints the OpenCSM prompt Does not print anything org.opencms.jlan.CmsJlanNetworkFile.seekFile(long,int) What does the parameter "newPos" required by the method "m_buffer.seek" mean? New position New part of speech New positive value New persistent object service What does the method "load" do? Loads the file data from the VFS Loads the file data from the command line Loads the file data from the given file Loads the file data from the socket What does an "IOException" indicate? An Input-Output exception An information operations exception An information overflow exception An input overflow exception org.opencms.test.OpenCmsTestCase.generateContent(org.opencms.file.CmsObject,java.lang.String,int,double) What does "cms" mean in this context? Content Management System Conversational Monitor System Case Management System Content Management Server What does "generateResources" do? Generates resources in a given folder Generates resources and prints them in the standard output Generates a resource in a given folder Generates a resource and prints it in the standard output What does "System.out" represent? The standard output PrintStream The output folder The standard output FileWriter The standard output location org.opencms.ade.sitemap.client.hoverbar.CmsHoverbarContextMenuButton.createContextMenu(org.opencms.ade.sitemap.client.hoverbar.CmsSitemapHoverbar) What does it mean the "nav" in "CmsAddToNavMenuEntry"? Navigator Navigable Naval Navy What does "Arrays.asList" do? Transforms an array in List Transforms a List in array Copies the array in a List and returns the array Returns an empty List What does a "CmsRefreshMenuEntry" represent? A sitemap context menu update entry A generic context menu update entry A sitemap context menu delete entry A generic context menu delete entry org.opencms.workplace.list.CmsListRadioMultiAction.buttonHtml(org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplace) What does "CmsStringUtil.escapeJavaScript" do? Escapes a string so it may be used in JavaScript String definitions Escapes a string so that it contains just JavaScript code Removes all the JavaScript code from the string Removes all the non-JavaScript code from the string What does "Ids" in "getRelatedActionIds" mean? Identifiers Identities Inhadesions IDEs What does "getRelatedActionIds" do? Returns a comma separated list of related list item selection action identifiers Returns a comma separated list of related list item selection action Returns a semicolon separated list of related list item selection action Returns a semicolon separated list of related list item selection action identifiers org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig.process() What does "lexerClass.getConstructor(CharStream.class)" do? Returns the constructor of the class with name contained in lexerName which has an imput parameter of type CharStream Returns the constructor of the class CharStream with no input parameters Returns the constructor of the class CharStream with the input parameter of type with name contained in lexerName Returns the default constructor of TestRig What does "Charset.forName" do? Returns the charset with name specified in the first parameter Returns the name of the specified charset Returns the default charset for the specified name Returns the null charset What does "lexer" mean in this context? Lexical analyzer Lexical eraser Lexical checker Lexical explorer org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Array2DHashSet.removeFast(T) What does System.arraycopy(a[], b, c[], d, e) do? Copies "e" elements of the array "a" from position "b" to array "c" in position "d" Copies "b" elements of the array "a" from position "e" to array "c" in position "d" Copies "e" elements of the array "c" from position "b" to array "a" in position "d" Copies "e" elements of the array "c" from position "d" to array "a" in position "b" What does "getBucket" do? Returns the bitwise and between the hash code of the parameter and the number of buckets - 1 Returns the bitwise and between the hash code of the parameter and the number of buckets Returns the bitwise or between the hash code of the parameter and the number of buckets - 1 Returns the bitwise or between the hash code of the parameter and the number of buckets What does "T" indicate? The generic type assigned to elements of Array2DHashSet The specific type assigned to elements of Array2DHashSet The type "Array2DHashSet" Any type extending the "String" class org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.PredictionMode.hasSLLConflictTerminatingPrediction(org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.PredictionMode,org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNConfigSet) What does "SLL" means? Simply Left-to-right Leftmost derivation grammar Source Left-to-right Leftmost derivation grammar Sequenced Left-to-right Leftmost derivation grammar Slow Left-to-right Leftmost derivation grammar What does a "BitSet" represent? A vector of bits that grows as needed. A fixed set of bits A class that allows to set specific bits in a string A byte array What does "hasConflictingAltSet" do? Determines if any single alternative subset in altsets contains more than one alternative. Determines if all the alternative subsets in altsets contains more than one alternative. Determines if any single alternative subset in altsets contains no alternative. Determines if all the alternative subsets in altsets contains no alternative. org.antlr.mojo.antlr4.GrammarDependencies.analyze(java.util.Set,java.util.Set,org.antlr.v4.Tool) What does "Mojo" mean? Maven plain Old Java Object Mobile Java Object Masked Offset Java Object Marked Online Java Object What does "findUsages" do? Returns the grammar file names that directly or indirectly use the given grammar Returns the grammar file names that directly use the given grammar Returns the grammar file names that indirectly use the given grammar Returns the grammar file names that do not use the given grammar What does "log.debug" do? Prints on the Maven log a "debug" entry Prints on the System log a "debug" entry Prints on the application log a "debug" entry Prints on the standard output log a "debug" entry org.antlr.v4.test.runtime.java.api.TestTokenStreamRewriter.testToStringStartStop2() What does "stream.fill" do? Gets all the tokens from lexer until end of file Fills the buffer with null characters Fills the buffer with empty tokens Gets all the tokens from lexer until the specified size What does the "tokens" variable contain? A TokenStreamRewriter A TokenStream A TokenList A List of Token What does "assertEquals" do? If the parameters are different, throws an AssertionError If the parameter are equal, throws an AssertionError If the parameters are null, throws an AssertionError If at least a parameter is null, throws an AssertionError hudson.os.PosixAPI.get() What does "POSIX" mean? Portable Operating System Interface Private Operating System Interface Portable Operating System Initiative Private Operating System Initiative What does "System.getenv()" do? Returns a map of system environment variables Returns a map of program environment variables Returns a list of program environment variables Returns a list of system environment variables What parameters does "PosixException" require? The error message and a value of the enumeration ERRORS The error message and a list values of the enumeration ERRORS The error class name and a list values of the enumeration ERRORS The error class name and a value of the enumeration ERRORS hudson.util.Iterators.limit(java.util.Iterator,hudson.util.Iterators.CountingPredicate) What does an "Iterator" do? Generates a series of elements, one at a time Generates a series of elements, all together Generates and returns a single element Generates and returns a null element What is the meaning of the parameters accepted by "CountingPredicate.apply"? Index in the iteration and next element Index in the array and next element Total number of objects and the specific objects Total number of objects and a specific object (which should be null) Why is the second parameter called "filter"? Because it is used to exclude some elements (when "apply" returns false) Because it is used to exclude some elements (when "apply" return true) Because it is used to filter files to return Because it is the return value jenkins.util.AntClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String,boolean) What does "findClass" do? Searches for and loads a class on the classpath of this class loader Just loads a class on the classpath of this class loader Just searches for a class on the classpath of this class loader Returns a class instance What does "cnfe" mean? Class not found exception Class not found error Could not find class exception Could not find class error What does "Class" represent? A Java class A Jenkins class object A classifier A Jenkins class instance hudson.model.HealthReport.HealthReport(int,java.lang.String,org.jvnet.localizer.Localizable) What does a "Localizable" represent? Captures a localizable string and allows to convert it using a Locale Captures a localizable string and converts it using a Locale Captures every localizable string and converts them using a Locale Captures every localizable string and converts them (no Locale needed) What does "setLocalizibleDescription" do? Sets the local parameter "localizibleDescription" Sets the local parameter "localizedDescription" Sets the local parameter "description" Sets the local parameter "localization" What does "URL" mean in this context? Uniform Resource Locator Universal Radio Location Uniform Report Log Universal Report Locator hudson.model.ViewJob._getRuns() What does "RunT" means in this context? Run type Run trial Run test Run topic What does "reloadQueue" of ReloadThread represent? External jobs that need to be reloaded Internal jobs that need to be reloaded External jobs that do not need to be reloaded Internal jobs that do not need to be reloaded What does a "SortedMap" represent? A Map that provides a total ordering on its keys A Map that provides a partial ordering on its keys A Map that automatically sorts Strings by length A Map that automatically sorts arrays by length org.hibernate.pretty.MessageHelper.collectionInfoString(org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPersister,org.hibernate.collection.spi.PersistentCollection,java.io.Serializable,org.hibernate.engine.spi.SharedSessionContractImplementor) What does a "SharedSessionContractImplementor" do? Defines the internal contract shared between Session and StatelessSession Defines the internal contract shared between JDBC and Session Defines the internal contract shared between Hibernate and JDBC Defines the internal contract shared between StatelessSession and Hibernate What does "Serializable" do? Allows to serialize an object if the class implements it Allows to serialize an object if a method of Serializable is called passing the object as parameter Allows to de-serialize an object by calling a method of Serializable and passing the object as parameter Allows to compress an object What does "persister" indicate in this context? An object that handles persistence An object that persists in time An object that collects persistence objects A persistence checker org.hibernate.dialect.TimesTenDialect.TimesTenDialect() What does "setProperty(a, b)" do? Sets the property a to the value b Sets the property b to the value a Sets the property a+b to the value null Sets the property b+a to the value null What does "registerFunction" do? Registers an SQL function Registers a Java function Registers a C function Registers the value of the called function What does "CLOB" mean in this context? Character Large Object Column Large Object Consistent Large Object Concurrent Large Object org.hibernate.id.SequenceValueExtractor.extractSequenceValue(org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor) What does "impl" means in this context? Implementation Implication Implicit Implant What does "resultSet.getLong(i)" do? Returns the i-th element in the result and transforms it in long Returns the (i+1)-th element in the result and transforms it in long Returns i casted to long Returns i casted to integer What does a "Dialect" represent? A dialect of SQL implemented by a particular RDBMS A dialect of SQL implemented by a general DBMS A dialect of SQL implemented by a specific version of Hibernate A generic dialect of SQL org.hibernate.cfg.AbstractPropertyHolder.getOverriddenColumn(java.lang.String) What does "getExactOverriddenColumn" do? Returns the overridden column of an entity, from (1) parent, (2) currentPropertyColumnOverride or (3) holderColumnOverride. Returns the overridden column of an entity, from (1) currentPropertyColumnOverride, (2) holderColumnOverride or (3) parent Returns the overridden column of an entity, from (1) holderColumnOverride, (2) parent or (3) currentPropertyColumnOverride Returns the overridden column of an entity, from (1) parent, (2) holderColumnOverride or (3) currentPropertyColumnOverride What does "propertyName.replace(a, b)" do? Replaces all the occurrences of a in b. Replaces all the matches of the regular expression a in b Replaces all the occurrences of b in a. Replaces all the matches of the regular expression b in a What does "propertyName" means in this context? Name of the property Property of the name Properties of the name Names of the properties org.hibernate.hql.spi.id.TableBasedUpdateHandlerImpl.execute(org.hibernate.engine.spi.SharedSessionContractImplementor,org.hibernate.engine.spi.QueryParameters) What does "getLogicalConnection" do? Retrieves the logical connection associated with the JDBC coordinator. Retrieves the logical connection associated with the SQL coordinator. Retrieves the logical connection associated with the Java coordinator. Retrieves the logical connection associated with the MongoDB coordinator. What does "SQL" mean in this context? Structured Query Language Sequenced Query Language Secure Query Language Synched Query Language What does a "PreparedStatement" represents? A SQL statement with placeholders A SQL statement without placeholders A prepared Java statement with placeholders A prepared Java statement without placeholders com.fsck.k9.mailstore.StorageManager.StorageManager(android.content.Context) What does "init" mean in this context? Initialize Initial Initiative Initiator What does "SynchronizationAid" do? Stores storage provider locking information Stores storage provider advertising information Stores storage provider unlocking information Stores storage provider position information What is a "Context"? Interface to global information about an application environment Interface to global information about a service environment Context of the mailing server Context of the system com.fsck.k9.mail.transport.SmtpTransportTest.open_withXoauth2Extension_shouldThrowOnMultipleFailure() What does "MockSmtpServer" do? Simulates the interactions between SMTP server and client and executes them when required Is an interface to a real SMTP server Is an interface to a stub SMTP server (there is no connection to a real SMTP server) Is a test class What does "SMTP" mean in this context? Simple Mail Transport Protocol Simple Manager of Tokens Protocol Sound Mail Transport Protocol Sound Manager of Tokens Protocol What does "fail" do? Throws a runtime exception causing a fail Closes the connection with the server Closes all the opened sockets Checks if a failure occurred. com.fsck.k9.message.html.HtmlConverterTest.testTextQuoteToHtmlBlockquote() What does "writeToFile" do? Writes the given string to file unless "WRITE_TO_FILE" is false Writes the given string to file Writes an empty file in the path specified in the given string Writes a file in the path specified in the given string wih "WRITE_TO_FILE" as content What does "blockquote" refers to? The "blockquote" HTML tag The "blockquote" K9 function The "blockquote" SQL command A block of strings What does "assertEquals" do? If the parameters are different, throws an AssertionError If the parameter are equal, throws an AssertionError If the parameters are null, throws an AssertionError If at least a parameter is null, throws an AssertionError com.fsck.k9.mail.store.imap.ImapResponseParserTest.testFetchResponse() What does "createParser" do? Creates an instance of ImapResponseParser, using the given parameter as content to be parsed Creates an instance of ImapResponseParser, using the given parameter as parser output stream Creates an instance of ImapResponseParser with no content Actually returns null What does "IMAP" means in this context? Internet Message Access Protocol Internal Message Access Protocol International Message Access Protocol Inverse Message Access Protocol What does "response.size" return? The number of elements of the response The number of characters of the response The number of instances of the response The number of strings in the response com.fsck.k9.mail.store.RemoteStore.getInstance(android.content.Context,com.fsck.k9.mail.store.StoreConfig) What does "context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE)" do? Returns an object that answers queries about the state of network connectivity Returns an object that answers queries about the state of bluetooth connectivity Returns an object that fully handles networks Returns the status of the connectivity What does "WebDav" mean in this context? Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning Web Distributed Authentication and Versioning Web Distributed Access and Versioning Web Distributed Allocation and Versioning What does "DefaultTrustedSocketFactory" do? Creates trusted sockets Handles trusted sockets Contains trusted sockets Handles trusted and non-trusted sockets se.emilsjolander.stickylistheaders.StickyListHeadersListView.updateOrClearHeader(int) What does a "mList.getChildCount()" do? Returns the number of children in the group Returns the number of children in the list Returns the number of elements in the list Returns the number of elements in the group What does "mAdapter.getCount" do? Returns the number of items contained in the delegate of the AdapterWrapper Returns the number of components contained in the AdapterWrapper Counts the number of adapters Counts the number of distinct adapters What does "cleanHeader" do? Resets values tied the header and removes the header form layout Resets values tied the header Removes the header form layout Removes the header org.totschnig.myexpenses.activity.MyExpenses.contribFeatureCalled(org.totschnig.myexpenses.model.ContribFeature,java.io.Serializable) What does "i.putExtra" do? Adds extended data to the intent Sets the "extra" parameter to the intent Resets all the other parameters, except for the one added Adds an extra intent What does "startTaskExecution" do? Starts the given task only if no task is currently executed Starts the given task in any case Starts the given task if it was not executed in the past Starts the given task and stops all the other tasks The name of the first parameter of the method "newInstanceWithBundle" is "b". What does it stands for? Bundle BuildTask Build BeginTransaction org.totschnig.myexpenses.sync.SyncAdapter.mergeUpdate(org.totschnig.myexpenses.sync.json.TransactionChange,org.totschnig.myexpenses.sync.json.TransactionChange) What does "uuid" mean in this context? Universally Unique Identifier Universally Uniform Identifier Uniform Unique Identifier Uniform Universal Identifier What does "isCreateOrUpdate" do? Checks if the transaction change is of type "create" or "update. Checks if the transaction was created or updated Checks if the transaction created or updated another transaction Creates and updates the transaction What does "System.currentTimeMillis()" return? The difference, measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC The difference, measured in seconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1900 UTC The difference, measured in milliseconds, between the current time and midnight January 1, 1900 UTC The difference, measured in seconds, between the current time and midnight, January 1, 1900 UTC org.totschnig.myexpenses.util.LazyFontSelector.processChar(char[],int,java.lang.StringBuffer) What does "Utilities.isSurrogatePair" do? Checks if two subsequent characters in a character array are the higher and the lower character in a surrogate pair Checks if two extreme characters in a character array are the higher and the lower character in a surrogate pair Checks if two subsequent characters in a character array are the higher and the lower character in a non-surrogate pair Checks if two extreme characters in a character array are the higher and the lower character in a non-surrogate pair What does "Character.getType" do? Returns an integer indicating the character’s general category Returns a char indicating the type of the given integer Returns an integer indicating the type of the given char Returns a char indicating the character’s general category What does "c" means in this context? Character Channel Core Character array org.totschnig.myexpenses.sync.SyncAdapter.getContentProviderOperationsForCreate(org.totschnig.myexpenses.sync.json.TransactionChange,int,int) What does "t" indicate in this context? Transaction Task TransactionChange Transfer What does "t.buildSaveOperations" do? Constructs the ArrayList of ContentProviderOperations necessary for saving the transaction and calls Payee.require(String) Builds and save the transaction Constructs the ArrayList of ContentProviderOperations necessary for saving the transaction Builds the save operations and returns them What is "Transaction.CrStatus"? An enum A class An interface A method me.kuehle.carreport.gui.dialog.SetupWebDavSyncDialogActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) What does it mean "Chk" in "mChkTrustCertificate"? Checkbox Checker Check Change What does "findViewById" do? Returns the view related to the specified ID Returns all the views associated with the specified ID Returns the ID related to the specified view Returns all the IDs associated to the specified views What does "R.id.btn_ok" indicate? The ID of a specific button The button related to a ID The ID of the class "button" The id of a text field in the R namespace me.kuehle.carreport.gui.ReportFragment.showFullScreenChart(me.kuehle.carreport.data.report.AbstractReport,lecho.lib.hellocharts.view.ComboLineColumnChartView) What does "finalBounds.width" do? Returns the width of the rectangle Returns the width of the view Sets the width of the rectangle Sets the width of the view What does it mean "app" in "mAppBarLayout"? Application Append Apply Application What does "loadReportChartOptions" do? Returns the options of the chart loaded from the shared preferences Returns the options of the chart loaded from a file Returns the options of the chart loaded from the network Returns the default options of the chart me.kuehle.carreport.gui.MainActivity.handleFABClick(int,int) What does "FAB" mean in this context? Floating Action Button Floating Activation Button Free Action Button Free Activation Button What does "CarSelection().suspendedSince((Date) null).query" do? Queries the given content resolver using the specified selection Executes a query in the global database Queries the given content resolver using the default selection Executes a query in a MongoDB instance What does the "create" of "AlertDialog.Builder" do? Just creates the alert dialog Creates and shows the alert dialog Just shows the alert dialog Deletes the alert dialog me.kuehle.carreport.util.sync.provider.DropboxSyncProvider.downloadFile() What does "getCacheDir" do? Returns the path of the application’s cache directory Returns an abstraction of the cache directory Returns the cache contents Returns a cache handler What does "mDbxClient.files" do? Returns the client for issuing requests in the "files" namespace Returns the list of files in a folder Returns the number of files in a folder Returns the permissions of the files in a folder What does "Dbx" mean in this context? Dropbox Database Dustbox Date Box me.kuehle.carreport.gui.dialog.EditFuelTypeDialogFragment.save() What does "Edt" in "mEdtName" mean in this context? Edit Edition Ending Redit What does "validator.validate()" do? Checks if all the field validators return true Checks if any field validator returns true Checks all the required field validators return true Modifies the form so that its content is valid What does "getContentResolver" return? A single instance in the application that provides access to the content providers Multiple instances in the application that provides access to the content providers A single instance in the application that provides access to the content resolvers Multiple instances in the application that provides access to the content resolvers