
International Journals

  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, R. Oliveto, G. Tortora (2007), “Recovering Traceability Links in Software Artefact Management Systems using Information Retrieval Methods”, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, vol. 16, no. 4, article no. 13, ISSN: 1049-331X.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, G. Scanniello, and G. Tortora (2007), “Enhancing Collaborative Synchronous UML Modelling with Fine-grained Versioning of Software Artefacts”, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing (JVLC),
    vol. 18, no. 5, pp.492-503, ISSN: 1045-926X.
  • F. Fasano, R. Oliveto (2009). “Supporting Project Management with Fine-Grained Artefact Management in ADAMS”. International Journal of Computers And Applications, vol. 31(3), p. 145-152, ISSN: 1206-212X
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, G. Scanniello, and G. Tortora (2009). Evaluating distributed inspection through controlled experiments”. IET SOFTWARE, vol. 3, p. 381-394, ISSN: 1751-8814, doi: 10.1049/iet-sen.2008.0101
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, R. Oliveto, and G. Tortora (2010). “Fine-grained Management of Software Artefacts: The ADAMS System”. Software, Practice and Experience, vol. 40, p. 1007-1034, ISSN: 1097-024X, doi: 10.1002/spe.986
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, G. Scanniello, and G. Tortora (2011). “Improving artefact quality management in advanced artefact management system with distributed inspection”. IET SOFTWARE, vol. 5, p. 510-527, ISSN:1751-8814, doi: 10.1049/iet-sen.2010.0108
  • G. Scanniello, F. Fasano, A. De Lucia, and G. Tortora (2013). “Does software error/defect identification matter in the Italian industry?”. IET Software, vol. 7, p. 76-84, ISSN: 1751-8806, doi: 10.1049/iet-sen.2011.0170

International Conferences

  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, R. Francese, and G. Tortora (2004), “ADAMS: an Artefact-based Process Support System”, in Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Banff, Alberta, Canada, Knowledge Systems Institute, USA, pp. 31-36, ISBN 1-891706-14-4.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, R. Francese, and R. Oliveto (2004), “Recovering Traceability Links between Requirement Artefacts: a Case Study”, in Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Software Engineering and
    Knowledge Engineering – Workshop on Knowledge Oriented Maintenance, Banff, Alberta, Canada, Knowledge Systems Institute, USA, pp. 453-456, ISBN 1-891706-14-4.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, M. Giordano M., G. Polese G., and G. Tortora, “Visual Authorization Policies in a Process Support System”, in Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Cooperative Supports for Distributed
    Software Engineering Processes, Linz, Austria, Austrian Computer Society, pp. 83-97, ISBN 3-85403-180-7, 2004.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, R. Oliveto, and G. Tortora (2004), “Enhancing an Artefact Management System with Traceability Recovery Features”, in Proceedings of 20thInternational Conference on Software Maintenance,
    Chicago, Illinois, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press, USA, pp. 306-315, ISBN 0-7695-2213-0.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, R. Oliveto R., and Tortora G. (2005), “ADAMS Re-Trace: a Traceability Recovery Tool”, in Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, The Manchester
    Conference Centre, Manchester, UK, pp. 32-41, ISBN 0-7695-2304-8.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, R. Francese, and R. Oliveto (2005), “Traceability Management in ADAMS”, in Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Distributed Software Development, Paris, France, Austrian Computer
    Society, pp. 135-149, ISBN 3-85403-193-9.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, R. Oliveto, and G. Tortora (2006), “ADAMS: ADvanced Artefact Management System”, in Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, Bari, Italy, pp. 347-348, ISBN 0-7695-2536-9.
  • B. Brügge, A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, and G. Tortora (2006), “Supporting Distributed Software Development with fine-grained Artefact Management”, in Proceedings of 1 st IEEE International Conference on Global Software
    Engineering, Costão do Santinho, Florianpolis, Brazil, pp.213-222, ISBN 0-7695-2663-2.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, R. Oliveto, and G. Tortora (2006), “Can Information Retrieval Techniques Effectively Support Traceability Link Recovery?”, in Proceedings of the 14 th International Conference on Program Comprehension, Athens, Greece, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 307-316, ISBN 0-7695-2601-2.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, G. Scanniello, and G. Tortora (2007), “Integrating a Distributed Inspection Tool within an Artefact Management System”, in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 184-189, ISBN 978-989-8111-06-7.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, G. Scanniello, and G. Tortora (2007), “Assessing the Effectiveness of a Distributed Method for Code Inspection: A Controlled Experiment”, in Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on
    Global Software Engineering, Munich, Germany, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 252-261, ISBN 0-7695-2920-8.
  • F. Fasano (2007), “Fine-Grained Management of Software Artefacts”, in Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Software Maintenance, Paris, Fran-ce, pp.507-508, ISBN 1-4244-1256-0.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, R. Oliveto, and D. Santonicola (2007), “Improving Context Awareness in Subversion through Fine-Grained Versioning of Java Code”, in Proceedings of International Workshop on Principles of SoftwareEvolution (IWPSE’07), Dubrovnik, Croatia, ACM Press. pp. 110-114, ISBN
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, G. Scanniello, and G. Tortora (2008), “Comparing Inspection Methods using Controlled Experiments”, in Proceedings of 12 th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, Bari, Italy, G. Visaggio, M. T. Baldassarre, S. Linkman, and M. Turner (eds.), BCS eWIC.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, R. Francese, and I. Passero (2008), “Enhancing Rationale Management with Second Life Meetings”, in Proceedings of 14 th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Boston, USA,
    pp. 118-123, ISBN/ISSN: 1-891706-23-3.
  • I. Barone, A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, E. Rullo, G. Scanniello, and G. Tortora (2008), “COMOVER: Concurrent Model Versioning”, in Proceedings of 24 th International Conference on Software Maintenance, Beijing, China, pp.462-463, ISBN 1-4244-2614-0.
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, and R. Oliveto (2008), “Traceability Management for Impact Analysis”, in Frontiers of Software Maintenance, pp. 21-30, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2654-6
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano (2009), “Concurrent Fine-grained Versioning of UML Models”. In: Ferenc R . Proceedings of 13 th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering. p. 89-98, Winter, A; Knodel,
    J, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3589-0, Fraunhofer, Kaiserslautern, Germany, doi: 10.1109/CSMR.2009.35
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, M. Mennella, G. Scanniello, and G. Tagliamonte (2009), “DB-MELIS: An Eclipse Plug-in for Data Migration”. In: Ferenc R. Proceedings of 13 th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR). p. 329-330, Winter, A; Knodel, J, ISBN: 978-076953589-0, Kaiserslautern, Germania, 24-27 Marzo, 2009„ doi: 10.1109/ CSMR.2009.18
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, C. Grieco, and G. Tortora (2009). “Recovering design rationale from email repositories”. In: Proceedings of 23 rd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM). p. 543-546, Los Alamitos, CA:IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4828-9, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, September 20-26, doi: 10.1109/ ICSM.2009. 5306388
  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, G. Scanniello, and G. Tortora (2011). Software Quality Assessment and Error/Defect Identification in the Italian Industry Preliminary Results from a State of the Practice Survey. In: IARIA. (a cura
    di): IARIA, ICSEA 2011, The 6 th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances . p. 589-594, ISBN: 978-1-61208-165-6
  • G. Bavota, A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, R. Oliveto, C. Zottoli (2012). Teaching Software Engineering and Software Project Management: An Integrated and Practical Approach. In: Proceedings of the 34 th International Conference on Software Engineering (Software Engineering Education Track). p. 1155-1164, ISBN: 978-1-4673-1067-3, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2-9, 2012, doi: 10.1109/ ICSE.2012.6227027
  • G. Capobianco, M. G. Ciobanu, F. Fasano, M. Merola (2013). A Tool for multimodal fusion of brain PET and MR. In: Congresso AICA 2013 – Mondo Digitale. p. 67-76, ISBN: 9788898091164, Fisciano (Salerno), Settembre 2013

Book Chapters

  • M.L. Bernardi, A. Di Lucca, M. Di Penta, F. Fasano, G. Scanniello (2010). “Reverse Engineering of Web Based Applications: a Survey on Methods and Techniques. In”: (a cura di): A. De Lucia and G. Tortora, METAMORPHOS. MEthods and Tools for migrAting software systeMs towards web and service Oriented aRchitectures: exPerimental evaluation, usability, and tecHnOlogy transfer. p. 117-141, 88094 SOVERIA MANNELLI:Rubettino Editore, ISBN: 978-88-498-2836-8

Italian Conferences

  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, M. Risi, and G. Scanniello, “An Eclipse Based Environment to Define and Execute Processes with Application to the Reverse Engineering”, in Proceedings of 3 rd Italian Workshop on Eclipse Technologies, Bari, Italy, pp.27-36, ISBN 978-88-902981-4-1, 2008.
  • R. Valente, F. Fasano, A. Venditti, G. Capobianco, D. Durand, M.G. Ciobanu -“ Modeling Android applications: an UML extension to model android components and objects”, Proceedings of the Days of Scientific Research – Department of Biosciences and Territory – University of Molise,2016, pp. 78-79, ISBN: 9788896394199
  • A. Venditti, F. Fasano, R. Valente, M. Granatiero, G. Capobianco, D. Durand, M.G. Ciobanu – “Choose the optimal data warehouse architecture by a formal method”, Proceedings of the Days of Scientific Research – Department of Biosciences and Territory – University of Molise, 2016, pp. 79-80, ISBN: 9788896394199
  • D. Durand, G. Capobianco, F. Fasano – Un approccio automatizzato per l’identificazione e la classificazione di onde di un segnale EEG, in particolare per Spike and Waves (SWD), Proceedings of the Days of Scientific Research
    – Department of Biosciences and Territory – University of Molise, 2016, pp. 79-80, ISBN: 9788896394199


  • A. De Lucia, F. Fasano, C. Grieco, and G. Tortora (2009). “Recovering design rationale from email repositories”. Poster presented at the 23 rd IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM), Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
  • R. Valente, F. Fasano, A. Venditti, G. Capobianco, D. Durand, M.G. Ciobanu (2016). “Modeling Android applications: an UML extension to model android components and objects, Poster presented at the Days of Scientific Research – Department of Biosciences and Territory – University of Molise, 2016
  • Venditti A., F. Fasano, Valente R., Granatiero M., Capobianco G., Durand D., Ciobanu M.G. – “Choose the optimal data warehouse architecture by a formal method. A case study: the bank, Poster presented at the Days of Scientific Research – Department of Biosciences and Territory – University of Molise, 2016