The course aims to provide knowledge and ability to understand the legal profiles in the field of information security and data protection, with particular reference to sensitive data. Various sectors of activity will be considered, in light of the current European and national regulations on the processing of personal data and their protection: in particular, adequate security measures in the automated processing of personal data, and risk management of data processing in public and private, on the web, as well as in the perspective of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. This course also aims to develop the ability to apply the knowledge learned in order to be able to manage the legal aspects of IT applications, favoring the formation of a suitable autonomy of judgment, and the acquisition of the ethical and legal responsibility necessary to carry out the best possible activities. technical-professional related to the sector.
- Teacher: Barbara Troncarelli
The course has as its goal the teaching of the basic concepts of mathematical programming and the main solution algorithms known in the literature. We will study the key optimization problems defined on graphs. It will study the integer linear programming (PLI) and it will introduce the main algorithms used to solve the PLI problems.
Knowledge of the basic concepts of mathematical modelling of general decision problems. Knowledge of the basic methodologies to build a linear mathematical model. Knowledge of the basic tools for solving linear optimization problems with continuous variables. Knowledge of the basic concepts of network theory and graph theory and of the elementary algorithms for solving network optimization problems.
- Teacher: Carmine Cerrone
Students, in line with the objectives of the study program, will acquire skills (methodological and technical) that are essential and needed to perform computer investigations of any kind and in any professional environments. Such skills will be acquired following a multidisciplinary training program both theoretical and practical. Students will learn about the “world” of digital investigations from both a technical and a legal and procedural point of view. In fact, they will discuss not only the technical and computer tools used to carry out a proper acquisition and analysis of digital tracks on a device (including mobile devices); but they also discuss all the documents that are produced in the context of a computer investigation.
- Teacher: Da Definire
The student, at the end of the course, will know the theoretical and practical aspects needed to manage and coordinate a development team within software projects. The student will also be able to use a quantitative approach to the analysis of the software product and process, to estimate the costs of a project and to assess the risks.
- Teacher: Fausto FASANO
During the classes, students will learn the most important methods of business system analysis, dealing with conceptual and pratical aspects. They will get knowledge for the realization of a Business Plan. Further, they will understand differences and similarities of the different approaches investigated.
- Teacher: Francesca Di Virgilio
The student, at the end of the course, will know the theoretical and practical aspects needed to properly manage both Data Center and Internet Service Providers.
The aim of the course is to provide students with a general overview of the basic methods, techniques, algorithms and notions that are needed for an elementary knowledge of cryptography.
Il corso rappresenta un corso avanzato di statistica e analisi dei dati per un programma di studi magistrale in Informatica o Ingegneria Informatica. Lo studente potrà apprendere tecniche avanzate di metodologia statistica classica, data mining e machine learning con applicazione all'analisi di big data. Dal punto di vista didattico verranno privilegiati gli aspetti concettuali ed applicativi senza tralasciare quelli matematici fondamentali. Particolare attenzione è riservati agli aspetti computazionali che verranno sviluppati attraverso un laboratorio di statistica con l'ambiente di calcolo R.
- Teacher: Fabio DIVINO